Chapter 4: Cargo Cult Film
Species Lineup | October 1st, 2010 Species Lineup!
posted by Tod Wills on October 2nd, 2010
I'm pretty beat, and the next page involves me successfully drawing a mechanical doobat, so I will conquer that dragon tomorrow, and in the meantime, didn't want to leave you all hanging. Here's a page from my giant, phonebook-sized Ekwara sketchbook, which barely fits on the scanner. It shows a lineup of all the major sapient species on Ekwara. We've met all but two of these species, so far! From left to right: Laeki - elves - long-lived and magical descendants of Homo habilis who wound up in Ekwara. Vedrig - hoofed but wolf-like, quadropedal carnivores, descended from the Eocine mesonychid Sinonyx jiashanensis, here possessing strong magical resistance. Jaunx - magically created, intelligent felines which first appeared on Ekwara about three thousand years ago. Shrin - Dromaeosaurid dinosaur-folk, of mysterious origin and even more mysterious ways. Grevican - dog-like, horned marsupials, related to the pandril and descended from a population of proto-mammals which found its way to Ekwara and evolved into marsupial-equivalent creatures. While they are not sexually dimorphic, there are two fairly different body-types which occur equally throughout their species. Drau - the most common sapient species on Ekwara, but with an unknown origin, likely descended from early primates. Endrich - goblin - descended from a chimp-like ancestor. Bipedal, but with opposable thumbs on their feet. Pandril - otter-like egglayers which were magically created from grevican ancestors. |